Johanna Murillo
Sensory Fitness Coach II
City: Calexico, CA
Titles/Certifications: BCBA, Sensory Fitness Coach Level II, Mandated Reporter Training Certified, CPR/AED Certification
Experience: social worker for San Diego Regional Center for 4 years; ABA program manager and Analyst for Positive Behavior Supports ( PBS) for 4 years; currently Regional Coordinator for PBS.
Bio: My motivation to go into this field of special education has been because of my brother who suffered cerebral palsy at age 1 and his life changed completely, including my family’s. I started growing an interest in helping special education individuals since I was a little girl. I started this career as a social worker at SDRC back in 2016. After encountering so many children with Autism, I decided to pursue my Masters in ABA with the emphasis in Autism. I was provided with the opportunity to work with PBS to fulfill my BCBA hours in 2020 as a student analyst and then as a program manager. After a few attempts, I passed my BCBA exam back in July 2023. For all those reading this, don’t give up on passing that exam. In my leisure time, I enjoy traveling, exercising, hiking, and playing with my dog. My compassion and dedication towards my career has always been my personal experience. Just knowing how I can relate with all those families I have interacted with, makes me feel fulfilled and hopeful for them. Just like someone made a difference in my family, I want to do the same.